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  1. Star anice, herbs and spices, alcohol, sugar and pure volcanic water from Luxardo own springs, are the key ingredients that distinguish Luxardo Sambuca dei Cesari. Still produced according to the original family recipe, high quality raw materials and cutting edge production methods guarantee the highest possible quality, which makes Luxardo Sambuca dei Cesari a premium product. Already known and appreciated in ancient times for its therapeutic properties, the anise plant, originating from China, became widespread through the centuries in the countries of the Mediterranean coast, where it became widely used for preparing typical dishes and desserts. Try it neat, over ice, or with 3 coffee beans for a classic Italian “Sambuca con la mosca”. It is also ideal with coffee or diluted with water for a perfect aperitivo.
    $42.95 Each
  2. A traditional Dutch alcoholic beverage made from eggs, sugar, and brandy. A favorite around Christmas, and synonymous for a Snowball cocktail.
    $39.95 Bottle
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