Jameson Irish Whiskey
1 Litre
Hugely popular Irish blended whiskey, renowned for its affinity with ginger ale. The entry point for many into the world of Irish whiskey, the blend has been improving in recent years and was awarded 95 points recently in Jim Murray's Whisky Bible!$68.95 Bottle -
This Coastal Highland Single Malt has a rich smooth core after aging in old Bourbon barrels for 12 years, toffee, lifted with citrus fruit notes and a slightly briney finish$87.95 Bottle
Midori Melon Liqueur
Midori - the Japanese word for 'Green' - well it certainly lives up to its name! No bar would be complete without this sweet melon flavoured liqueur.$43.95 Bottle -
Baileys Irish Cream 1 Litre
1 Litre - NZ Spirits Awards 2023 Gold Medal Winner
The original Irish Cream Liqueur. Irish Whiskey is sourced from a number of quality distilleries including the famous Old Bushmans Distilley. The whiskey complements the full, richness of the fresh Irish dairy cream, cocoa and heavenly vanilla that go all the way into their secret recipe. Together they create a multi award winning sensation for you to enjoy.$55.95 BottleOut of stock
Stolen Rum Gold Rum
This award-winning premium rum, was "stolen" from Trinidad by a couple of kiwis. These guys have sourced and blended top quality rums, aged in ex-Bourbon barrels, to create this smooth complex spirit. Equally at home sipped from a short glass, or combined with coke and a squeeze of lime for a superior long drink.$57.95 Bottle -
Award-winning bourbon liqueur made with Wild Turkey Kentucky Bourbon and pure honey. Sweet and smooth on the rocks, or a great addition to your cocktail-ingredient arsenal.$55.95 Bottle
Mount Gay Eclipse Rum
1 Litre
Distilled in Barbados, this expression from Mount Gay was named for the 'double phenomenon' of a total solar eclipse and the passage of Halley's comet in 1910.$68.95 Bottle -
Made in extremely limited numbers, this blend of rums is flavored with peppers, calumet 'tobacco' (a tobacco substitute smoked by Native Americans), and traditional black gunpowder before being hand-bottled with a final flavoring ingredient that gives the appearance of gunpowder grains lying at the bottom of the bottle. Bottled in the nearest bottle to hand at the time, hand wrapped and labelled, so appearance may vary from photograph...$111.95 Bottle
Sweet, but beautifully balanced by the tart aromatic elderflower flavours. A must for your liqueur collection.$76.95 Bottle
Punt E Mes Red Vermouth
Punt e Mes is an Italian vermouth. It is dark brown in color and has a bitter flavor. Punt e Mes literally means "point and a half" in Piedmontese.$39.95 Bottle -
Aperol Aperitivo
Aperol aromatic aperitif has a unique flavour and colour achieved through a subtle blend of bitter orange, gentian, rhubarb and an array of herbs and roots - an unchanged secret recipe since 1919.$32.95 Bottle -
Johnnie Walker Black Label 12 year old is a Premium blend of around 40 whiskies, very well put together with a high proportion of malt, as well as grain whisky. It is quite rich and full in flavour, with notes of wood smoke and dry spice, and hints of barley and a creamy toffee finish.$63.95 Bottle