Hendricks Gin
1 Litre
Hendricks Gin is a small-batch gin distilled in Ayrshire, Scotland. It is handcrafted from a recipe that includes the traditional botanicals of citrus peel, juniper and coriander. What makes this gin unusual is the unexpected infusion of rose petals and cucumber.$109.95 Bottle -
Fortaleza Anejo Tequila
Caramel, vanilla, butterscotch and cooked agave aromas practically jump from the glass in this highly-praised and perfectly-aged añejo. This tequila is so rich and complex that some people are even able to detect pineapple, peach, orange blossom, nutmeg, and raisin in the nose.$206.95 BottleOut of stock
Fortaleza Blanco Tequila
Aromas of citrus, and rich cooked agave fill your nose in this unique and very special blanco tequila. Also present: butter, olive, earth, black pepper, and a deep inviting vegetal complexity$139.95 Bottle -
Aromas of citrus, caramel, butter, cooked agave, and sage are the beginning of a pleasingly balanced and very unique tasting experience. Fortaleza Reposado has it’s own distinct character, and is not like any other tequila.$157.95 Bottle
Fragolì is a sweet liqueur with whole wild strawberries. With its original and intense flavour, Fragolì is a liqueur that can be drunk but also eaten. Thanks to its versatility, it may be enjoyed any time of the day.$49.95 Bottle
Tuaca Liquore Italiano
Tuaca is an enticing blend of Italian Brandy, Mediterranean Citrus and Vanilla Spice. It has a storied history with a recipe that remains much the same as when it helped fuel the Italian Renaissance.$40.95 Bottle -
Scapegrace Gin & Tonic
250ml 4 Pack
The World’s Best Gin is now Ready to Drink. Upfront orange blossom, which is quickly balanced with bitterness and juniper citrus. Crisp. Refreshing.$16.95 Pack -
Italicus is lightly citrusy on the nose with hints of rose and lavender. On the palate, fresh tones of ripe citrus fruits are balanced with a light bitter and floral spice before giving way to a complex and long lasting finish.$85.95 Bottle
A single malt whisky distilled in the rich, natural environment of Tottori and aged in Mizunara (Japanese oak)casks. Combined with the bitter flavor of unblended whisky, a faintly sweet, aged aroma tickles the nose with a smooth yet rich, lingering aftertaste.$106.95 Bottle
Haku is the premium Japanese craft vodka from the House of Suntory. Its unique creation process starts in Kagoshima and ends in Osaka, Japan.$75.95 Bottle
Nakano Yuzu Umeshu
Nakano Yuzu Umeshu is a unique blend of Yuzu juice and their famous Umeshu plum wine. Yuzu is a Japanese citrus cross between Mandarin & Lime with a refreshing sweet, sour & bitter citrus flavour. Made using Shikoku Island Yuzu - the most famous region in Japan for Yuzu.$33.95 Bottle -
From wild and beautiful Central Otago, comes New Zealand’s first artisanal wine-based botanical Aperitivo.$38.95 Bottle