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Julia & Libby's Berry Cheesecake Slice


1 cup Medjool dates, pitted
1 cup almonds
3 cups raw cashews
zest and juice of 1 lemon
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
1/2 cup rice malt syrup
1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
2 cups fresh or frozen mixed berries


Cover cashews for the filling with water and leave to soak, either overnight or for a few hours before you need them. This makes them easier to blend later on. 

Cover dates for the base in warm water and soak for 30 minutes. 

Line a 23cm x 13cm slice tin with baking paper.

Drain dates and place in a food processor with almonds, and process until combined. Press into the base of the tin and place in the freezer to set.

Drain and rinse cashews. Place all filling ingredients except berries into the food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. Add more lemon juice if you prefer the mixture to be tart.

Layer half the filling over the base, pressing a few berries into the mixture. Cover and place in the freezer to chill. 

Add remaining berries to the filling left in the food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. Layer this over the first layer, cover and place back in the freezer to firm up.

The cheesecake will be set in a few hours. When ready to serve, cut into pieces. 


See more of Julia & Libby's recipes in their debut cookbook Julia & Libby's Wholefood Kitchen.


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Julia & Libby's Berry Cheesecake Slice