Not only beautiful to look at, this raw torte manages to be delicious, decadent and good for you all at the same time. It’s a great dessert to take to a dinner party and the perfect finish to any summer feast!
Recipe by Megan May from Little Bird Organics & The Unbakeries.
Chocolate Base
1 cup dried activated almonds
½ cup brazil nuts
1¼ cup pitted dates
¼ tsp vanilla extract
3 Tbsp cacao powder
1 Tbsp melted cacao butter
pinch salt
Chocolate Avocado Mousse Filling
2 cups avocado flesh
¾ cup nut milk (almond, hazelnut or coconut)
¾ cup + 1 Tbsp cacao powder
½ cup maple syrup
½ tsp vanilla extract
2 pinches sea salt
5 Tbsp melted coconut oil
2 Tbsp melted cacao butter
For the base, blend nuts in food processor until almost like a couscous texture.
Add the dates and blend until well combined - until the mixture is slightly sticky.
Then add the remaining ingredients and pulse a few times until combined. The mixture should hold together well.
Line a 22cm fluted tart tin with plastic wrap. Press mixture firmly into the tart tin, about 5mm thick, onto bottom and then sides of tin. Set aside.
To make the chocolate mousse filling, place all ingredients in your blender. With the help of the tamper, blend all ingredients together until obtaining a creamy, silky mousse consistency.
Pour over your base then cover with wrap and cool down in the fridge for at least 5 hours.
Garnish with fresh raspberries. You could also use any other fresh berry of your choice, such as cherries, strawberries or blueberries.