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Ti Kouka's Beetroot & Kumara Gnocchi with Blue Cheese Cream

Light and fluffy gnocchi parcels with a decadent blue cheese sauce from the talented culinary team at Ti Kouka Cafe. Serves 4.


700g red kumara
300g beetroot
6 egg yolks
60g parmesan
100g white polenta
Blue Cheese Cream
30g blue cheese, crumbled
100ml cream


Put kumara and beetroot in a covered tray and roast in the oven at 200°C for 1 hour. Take off cover and roast for another hour.

Peel beetroot and blend, into paste. Put into muslin cloth and squeeze out juice.

Peel kumara and put through a ricer while still hot. Add beetroot pulp to kumara and add egg yolks, parmesan and salt.

Mix together and add polenta. The mix should be soft and wet to the touch.
Put into a piping bag.

Dust bench with white polenta and pipe lines of gnocchi mix.

Gently roll to coat in polenta and then cut into 1 inch pieces. Place onto baking paper and into a steamer basket, steam for 6 minutes, full steam.

Remove the gnocchi from the steamer and allow to cool. When cool, fry in a saucepan with oil and butter until coloured on the outside.

For the blue cheese cream, whisk cheese and cream together until you get a
thickish smooth puree. Be careful not to over whip, you need medium peaks.

Serve gnocchi over the cream with your favourite sauteed greens and
candied walnuts.


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Ti Kouka's Beetroot & Kumara Gnocchi with Blue Cheese Cream