Celebrating 100 years in business.
J. Bush & Sons is a family owned and operated business of Apiarists (Beekeepers) based in Blenheim.
Third generation Peter and Murray Bush are currently at the helm and manage 2000 beehives spread all over Marlborough.
It all started in 1916, when Horace Bush (Peter and Murray’s Grandfather) needed bees to pollinate an apple orchard he was involved in. Horace soon discovered he enjoyed bees more than apples, so established enough beehives to earn a full time income.
One of Horace’s sons, John, started working with the bees as a young child, eventually running the business in his own right alongside his wife of sixty years, Joy Bush. He is now 84 years young, and still enjoys being around the bees when time allows.
J. Bush and Sons specialise in small scale production that targets and harnesses the special flavours found in honey collected from different trees and pastures in the South Island.
Every flower or plant produces a different type of nectar that determines the flavour, texture, and colour, and the J. Bush & Sons team work hard to ensure the hives are at their best when each flower is ready each summer.
From light delicate Molesworth Blue Borage collected in the mountains of inland Marlborough, to the robust flavoursome Manuka and Alpine Beech Honey Dew, there is a flavour for everyone.
None of Bush’s honeys are heat treated during processing and packing, meaning all the wonderful nutritional properties of honey are retained.
There are many wide and varied uses for honey including sweetening drinks or baking, as a remedy for sore throats, soothing scrapes and burns or even as part of your daily beauty regime. You can’t beat a classic though - toast remains the number one destination for honey!
For an extra special treat Murray Bush recommends trying Bush’s Comb Honey on a cracker with a soft white cheese, (or blue if you prefer), and a glass of wine to really cap it off.
J. Bush & Sons Honey is available from all Moore Wilson’s stores. The Bush family have been a valued supplier of Moore Wilson’s for many years and we are thrilled to see them reach the milestone of 100 years in business.
Pictured: Murray Bush presents Moore Wilson’s Director Julie Moore with a delicious fruit cake to celebrate J. Bush & Sons centenary.